In a way, one life in the grand scheme of things seems like a drop of water in the Pacific Ocean. And yet, every life is infinitely valuable and precious. The power of one life lived well...of one person or family devoted to loving one another and serving those in need...can have a powerful impact for all eternity.
The problems on earth today are huge. Poverty, sickness, broken homes, abandoned children, hunger and malnutrition, anger and violence, hopelessness and despair. It's a little overwhelming to read the morning paper, don't you think?
The problems of a nation begin in cities...which begin in neighborhoods... which ultimately begin a family home.
Behind Every Door's vision is to serve and bless the families in those homes...by owning and operating "C" grade apartment communities. By owning a lot of family homes, the door is swung wide open for opportunities to bless, encourage, provide, and love the people "behind every door."
We can bless and serve by making the home the best that we can make it. This brings a special sense of dignity. It might be nicer landscaping, or it might be a coat of paint. Or a new appliance.
We can bless and serve by building a sense of true community--because none of us were created to walk alone.
We can bless and serve by meeting practical needs.
We can bless and serve by working to bring peace--because a safe home is a blessing for children.
We can bless and serve by providing Community Centers, which can include: computers and printers, a "Homework Zone" for school-age children, books, toys, games, affordable piano lessons, ESL classes, social activities, Kids Club, holiday events like a Thanksgiving Feast or Christmas Celebration, food and clothing closets, mentoring programs, internship opportunities, programs to serve special-needs children, and on and on.
There is a story behind every door.
What are the stories about? The stories are about children of God. The children of God that live there. It isn't "Apartment #101"...it is rather the "Johnson Family Home." And the Johnson Family is living a story...a story worth telling, and a story worth hearing. They have a history, and they have a future. And if we can bless and serve them and be friends...and be God's hands and feet in making their story a little more joyful, with a little less suffering, and a little more hope...then thanks be to God.