Monday, February 28, 2011


At the end of the 18th chapter, Luke writes, referring to the work of God they had just witnessed: "When all the people saw it, they also praised God."

Two things to all of you reading this blog.  First, we are thankful for you and bless you in the name of Jesus.  Second, we thank you for joining us in praising God for what He is doing at the apartments. 

We see that over this past, inaugural year for this blog, we have been visited by 750+ unique friends from 34 countries around the world.  Welcome, bless you, and please join us in praise of Almighty God!

-- Behind Every Door Ministries

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Sound of Music

On a recent Friday, a gentleman named Jesse came to visit us in the Village Oaks Community Center.  Jesse is a resident at Village Oaks and a fantastic guitar player.  He had come to ask if we might be interested in guitar lessons for the kids.

I almost jumped out of my seat!  It just so happens that if I were a rockstar, the guitar would be my instrument!  And, this seems to be true for another staff member, too.  One of our Maintenance Engineers, Alex, has gotten to know Jesse, and Alex has been asking Jesse to give him lessons for months.  Alex, a Youth Pastor at his church, wants to improve his guitar playing skills.

So, after talking with Jesse about his idea we decided to host our first lesson the following Tuesday.  Jesse and Alex brought their guitars and Alex brought an amp, and the children got the opportunity to hold and strum a guitar for the first time!  Jesse is interested in showing us how to play, and even to read and write music!  Maybe I'll be a rockstar after all?  How does "Jayda and the Kids" sound for our band name?

Pray for guitars because we are going to need them!


-- Jayda Ekundayo

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leading by Love

"What kind of leader are you?"

This is the topic at the community center right now.  We have been talking about leadership and the difference between good leaders and bad leaders.  They both have an opportunity to make their mark in history, but how will they be remembered?

We used two examples for this: Adolph Hitler vs. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We determined what kind of leader each man was by comparing him to 1 Cor. 13:4-7.  We went down the list of characteristics of love and I asked which leader walked in each of those areas.  I explained to the kids that to be a good leader you have to first love the ones you are leading. 

Jesus walked this earth showing his love for mankind. Even when he rebuked the Pharisees it was in love.  He led with no selfish intentions.  Jesus was a good leader.

A good leader looks to the needs of the one he is leading, while a bad leader looks to his own needs, seeing them as more important then his followers.  Hitler and Martin Luther King, Jr. are two examples.  Martin Luther King, Jr. led by love.  Hitler led by hate.  Both impacted the world, but one is admired while the other is despised.

Join us in praying that these kids will become leaders who lead by love.

-- Rickey Fanning

Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Looking Hearts

At the Village Oaks Community Center, we decided to spend the week before Valentine's Day completing a labor of love: hand-made, lavender scented sachets.

Some were making these sachets for Dad, some for Mom, and most were making them for Granny or Pa-Pa.  We reminded the children that Valentine's Day is not about buying someone a big diamond, taking someone to dinner, or in any way proving your love by how much you spend.

The labor of love was spent hand stitching together two pieces of heart-shaped felt, writing on it the name of our loved one with glitter glue, and finally stuffing it with lavender scented polyfil.  The children were so proud of themselves.

As we were sending the kids home to deliver their gifts, one child said, "Ms. Jayda, I'm glad I didn't go to Family Dollar and try to buy my Granny something. Nothing in that store would look as good as my heart!" 

-- Jayda Ekundayo

Friday, February 18, 2011

Straight from the Heart

We recently had a visit from "the heart" at the Willow Pond Kids Club.  We'll get the video posted soon, but we thought you might get a laugh from the picture below.  To celebrate Valentine's Day, the "heart" talked to the kids about what love truly means.

-- Behind Every Door Ministries

My name's... I Don't Cuss.

We have each child involved in our Kids Clubs create what we call a Life Card.  The Life Card consists of seven character qualities that the child sees in them self or would like to see in them self.

We have a six-year-old at Willow Pond who comes to the Kids Club every day to work on his homework.  At the door, before he signs in, he recites his Life Card:

"Hi, my name is...  I don't cuss.  I respect other people's property.  I don't hit people.  I want to be a good person..."

This child has memorized his qualities faster than any other kid in the Willow Pond Kids Club.  When he makes a mistake, we go to his Life Card to remind him of the type person who he is.  He is beginning to believe about himself the things he wrote down.

Recently, this kid's father and grandmother commented about the change that they have seen in him at home and at school.  With great gratitude they thanked us for all that we are doing for him.  And, we thank God for the change He is bringing about in our friend's life.

-- Rickey Fanning

Monday, February 14, 2011

Get a Hold of Yourself!

On a recent Friday, the kids were more rambunctious than usual during our weekly Kids Club meeting.  One thing we are teaching at Kids Club is to show respect when other people are talking by being quiet.

When the children are not quiet, we simply stop the meeting.  We communicate that this is not our time, but their time, and we are happy to spend the afternoon sitting quietly if that is how they want to spend it.  Even if we have to wait until Kids Club closes.

This particular Friday, getting the kids to be quiet was challenging.  We were already ten minutes in to waiting for quiet to come when one of the loudest boys looked at me and said, "Come on already!"

I asked him to go in the bathroom, look in the mirror, and ask the reflection of himself to "Come on already!"

A few minutes later, I heard a loud voice coming from the bathroom.

"Come on! Get a hold of yourself!"

When he came back in, I was trying to hold back my laughter.  I asked him if everything was alright and if he was ready to continue.  He said yes, sat down and the meeting continued.

I love these kids!  Never a dull moment...

-- Rickey Fanning

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Breaking the Cycle

Every month I have a "Bar-B-Q Weekend" with some of the boys from Willow Pond.    It has been neat to watch these boys become givers and not takers.  To start the weekend, the boys come with us to our monthly feed the homeless Bar-B-Q to help set up and serve the homeless.  After the Bar-B-Q, they come to my house for a sleepover.  We hang out, play games, and eat pizza.  Recently, when we were all sitting around the table eating pizza, we started a conversation about our fathers.  Most of the guys were contributing stories, and a common thread was absentee dads.  As we went around the table each boy shared his story.  Then, I shared my own story about my father.

I told them that I also had an absentee father.  The boys were really surprised and their responses made clear that they had assumed a lot about me.  After the conversation, I asked them a question.

"Do you know that you don't have to be like your father?"

One of the boys looked up and said, "Yeah, if we are not like our fathers then our children won't have to go through what we've been through."

I responded, "You can make your own choices now to break the cycle, and when your children grow up you can be there for them."

-- Rickey Fanning

Monday, February 7, 2011

Queen Esther

Believe it or not, even Dallas, Texas can get snowed-in.  And when it snows in Dallas, we aren't really sure what to do. 

Due to the snow, we decided to cancel our regular Kids Club at Willow Pond.  I was talking to Rickey on the phone about closing the Kids Club when I started getting phone calls from a number I didn't recognize.  I ignored the calls.  Rickey let me know the phone calls were from a girl in our Kids Club who thought she could talk me in to opening up for the day.  She had already tried (and failed) to talk Rickey in to doing so.

I decided to text her back and let her know why we were not open.  When she responded, I noticed the signature at the bottom of her text, which included her nick name: "Gutter Girl."  My heart was broken.

This girl is a true work in progress and someone I love dearly.  We have been talking about the story of Queen Esther from the Bible with her: the type of woman Queen Esther was, and how we as women are called to be who God created us to be.  My friend wanted to know more about Queen Esther, so she started to read the story on her own.  We encouraged her in this, praying that she would see herself as the precious child of God that we see, and eventually nicknamed her Queen Esther!

After a few texts back and forth with my friend, I wrote, "Do me a favor and change "Gutter Girl" to "Queen Esther."

She responded, "That's what Mr. Rickey is telling me to do."

I responded, "Those that love you tell you the truth. The truth came from two different people at two different times. I had no idea that Mr. Rickey told you to change it.  If my son had "Gutter Boy" at the end of his texts, it would break my heart. He is my Prince, not a child from the gutter."

After about 30 minutes, she wrote, "Ooookay." But, she had simply changed the signature to include a new nickname: "Gutter Person."

I immediately responded, "So you will change it? Now? Send me a text after you change it, okay?"

About twenty minutes later, she responded with: "qUEen EstHEr."

I'll take that!

-- Jayda Ekundayo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Living in the Present

Be encouraged by this excerpt from Henry Nouwen:

"Listening to the voice of love requires that we direct our minds and hearts toward that voice with all our attention.  How can we do that?  The most fruitful way - in my experience - is to take a simple prayer, a sentence or a word, and slowly repeat it.  We can use the Lord's prayer, the Jesus prayer, the name of Jesus, or any word that reminds us of God's love and put it in the center of our inner room, like a candle in a dark space.

Obviously we will be constantly distracted.  We will think about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow.  We will have long, imaginary discussions with our friends or enemies.  We will plan our next day, prepare our upcoming talk, or organize our next meeting.  Still, as long as we keep the candle in our dark room burning, we can return to that light and see clearly the presence of the One who offers us what we most desire.

This is not always a satisfying experience.  Often we are so restless and so unable to find inner quietude that we can't wait to get busy again, thus avoiding the confrontation with the chaotic state of our minds and hearts.  Still, when we remain faithful to our discipline, even if it is only ten minutes a day, we gradually come to see - by the candlelight of our prayers - that there is a space within us where God dwells and where we are invited to dwell with God.  Once we come to know that inner, holy place, a place more beautiful and precious than any place we can travel to, we want to be there and be spiritually fed."

This is our prayer for ourselves and everyone we meet.

-- Behind Every Door Ministries