"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." Psalm 68:5
We were in a meeting with a senior police department official in Phoenix, Arizona this week sharing our "story" and I found myself blurting out: "Each one of the children behind the doors at these apartment complexes is worth 100 trillion dollars." Later I realized that was an odd way of communicating what I believe; and also that the number I used is way too low.
As I am typing this on a rainy Saturday morning, tears have come to my eyes just thinking about fatherless children. When I think about the road so many of these boys and girls have to travel it breaks my heart.
And so, naturally, I want us to set up shop with the body of Christ at difficult apartment complexes acrossAmerica and hug them all. And help them with their homework. And plant flowers. And bring safety. And install playgrounds.
And give them a dollar when they see us when they recite the truth: "I am a son of a loving Father" or "I am a daughter of a loving Father." Because they are. They have a loving Daddy who wants to be the lap they crawl up on. He wants to be their Guide. He wants to be their Protector. He wants to be their Provider. He wants to be their Forgiver. He wants to be their source of Hope.
Also in Phoenix, we had the privilege of meeting with a man of God named David. As we were talking with him about the vision, we noticed he had tears in his eyes. And so I stopped and listened to him say: "This is what the body of Christ does." What a powerful statement. The arms of Jesus hug. The hands help. The feet go. The heart loves. So many of you have joined forces with us to bless and serve and rescue. Thank you.
We send you a hug in Jesus. Thank you for your friendship.
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-- Behind Every Door Ministries