Washing dishes, emptying the trash, and sharpening pencils are all on the list of daily responsibilities for those chosen as leaders in the Kid’s Club. They are servant leaders.
When one young man asked us weeks ago about the possibility of becoming a leader, we explained to him that we saw clear leadership qualities in him, but that often, we also saw a bad attitude. So, I told him about the specific qualities I saw in him, and we also talked about the specifics of the bad attitude.
Yesterday, he came to ask again. “What do you think about my attitude now? Hasn’t it been really better?“ He enumerated several situations where his new responses and choices were evident. I was glad that I could tell him that he was absolutely right. “Can you reconsider me as a leader,” he asked. I promised that we would discuss it.
I believe that more than often children will rise to where the adults set the bar. I believe in seeing and calling to the true person...out from under the bad behavior. I believe that loving encouragement and exhortation will draw that person out. I believe that leaders are made from young men like this one!
-- Suzanne Wallace