Friday, August 10, 2012

In With The New!

I have a special place in my heart for this elderly gentleman that's lived at VO for over 20 years. His name is Mr. Eddie Wilson.  Yes, Mr. Wilson sells sodas and ice cream out of his apartment, but sodas and ice cream never hurt anybody. The children love him for it. He automatically adopts mostly every child that comes to buy from him as his God-child.  "Mr. Eddie" is known and loved property-wide.

The other day, I finally got Mr. Eddie a new couch. He has been using a really old couch for a long time (pictured above), and I knew we could help improve his situation. It only took me a year to do it, but I'm learning that it's never about my time schedule, but the Lord's. Jesus is always right on time.

I just want to say thank you to Sherwood and Anthony for stepping up to help move out the old and move in the new in 105 degree weather. Mr. Wilson was so happy. He sat down, crossed his legs and said, "I don't think I wanna get up from here anytime soon."

-- Jayda Ekundayo